The most tax efficient and cost-effective way to procure a business printer is to use our Canon Printer Lease option.

Why spend your company’s hard-earned cash on a depreciating asset when you can avail of a low interest finance deal. While the overall outlay may be slightly higher than an outright purchase, choosing a Canon Printer Lease frees up your cash resources for other business critical purposes.

We are a Canon Platinum Partner for nearly 30 years

We are Canon’s largest certified dealer in Ireland and the UK, for business printers.

Canon Printer Lease

Ready to Optimise Your Printing Infrastructure?

Find out how Cantec can save you money, time, and stress. Contact us today!

Why Choose a Canon Printer Lease?

Our sales and service teams operate from offices in Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Waterford and Mullingar supporting a customer base which is spread across the entire country. We will allocate an account manager close to you who will tease out your specific requirements and make recommendations based on them.
Largest Certified Dealer

Largest Certified Dealer

The Cantec Group has been a Canon Accredited Platinum Partner for 26 years and are now Canon’s largest certified dealer in Ireland for business printers.

Established Relationships

We have built a strong relationship with Grenke Leasing, Ireland’s largest business printer leasing provider enabling an efficient end-to-end process.

Network of Technicians

We have a network of locally based technicians assisted by a team of highly trained desktop support staff providing rapid resolution to problems you may encounter.

Streamlining Expertise

Our goal is to inspire our customers to be the best they can be, by simplifying the way they work, through the provision of the most efficient Canon Business Lease options.


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Cantec can help you achieve greater workplace efficiency and savings